Labels:crt screen | dialog box | monitor | poster | sky OCR: Setup Alive Colors Ticense Agreenent Please read the following important intomatior before continuing Please pead the fallowing License Aoreement You MUSI accept the tems of this agreement before continuing with the instal Bllation Alive colors PRODUCT LICENSE INFORMATION NOTICE USERS CAREFULLY READ THE FOLL OWING LEGAL AGREEI MENT USE OF THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED WITH THIS AGREEMENT THE "SOFTWARE" CONSTITUTES YOUR ACCEP TANCE OF THESE TERMS YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT DO NOT INST TALL AND /OR USE THIS SOF TWARE USER'S USE OF THIS SOFTWAREI CONDIT IONED UPON COMPLIANCE RY USER WITH THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT General Grant of License accep the agreement op not accept the agreement Back Next Cancel reac folowing infomation tthe must installation ACCEPTANCEOF COMPLANCE acceot